Amit KapadiaSuccess Coach | Author | Trainer & Speaker
Areas of Expertise
- Business Set-up, Restructuring and Turnaround
- Personal Transformation ad Life Development
- Holistic Integration of Your Inner World [mindsets and inner strength] with Your Outer World [Skill-sets and Strategies] to Build Solid Success.
- Devising Customised Growth Plans and Ensuring Strategic Implementation
- Certified Associate Certified Coach, ICF, U.S.A.
- 1st Indian Certified as Conversational Intelligence Consultant, Benchmark Communications, INC., New York.
- Certified Emotion and Inner Child Integration Therapist, International Institute of Integration Therapy and Training, Amsterdam.
- 2011 – Founded: Peak Performance Consulting
- 2011 – Originated YOU factor Model of Strategising Success
- 2012 – Co-Founded: Life Shapers
- 2016 – Originated Be-We-Do Framework of Peak-Performance and Self-Leadership
- 2020 – Co-Founded: Sales Brahma
- 2021 – Upcoming Book “Waste It Or Invest It” – Channelising the Power of Your Inner Potentials to Accelerate Performance and Build Solid Success in Career, Business and Life.
- 8500+ Hours Experience as a Success Coach
- 5000+ Lives Touched
- 400+ Lives Transformed Through 1-on-1 Coaching
- 20+ Years of Collective Experience as an Entrepreneur, Teacher and a Coach
Before founding Peak Performance Consulting in early 2011, Amit founded Knowledge Junction, a coaching institute in Mumbai, India to train students of Finance and Management for over 16 years. During these years, he observed that mere formal education did not guarantee success to his students and inspite of being smart, their level of success wasn’t very impressive. This created a burning urge to find the Why and How to end this vicious cycles of under-performance and under-achievement.αγ…iagra/
Amit’s urge to explore the real way to be successful led him to meet world renowned stalwarts who trained and certified him in the arena of unleashing human potential and maximising human performance. Amit emphasises that there is no substitute to taking responsibility of your life and of your success; one who is willing to excel in the equation of success ought to enter into the realms of personal education to conquer growth blockers and master one’s own craft to rise success to next level.
The whole journey evolved into Peak Performance Consulting coming to birth in 2011 with a mission to transform Business Owners, Corporate Leaders and Career aspirants to channelise their inner potential, overcome real-life performance challenges and begin to build solid success in career, business and life.
Amit’s Message-
Building Solid Success in life or leadership is never automatic; it’s always an outcome of a well thought performance strategy executed intentionally and timely. If you are not happy with the current level of your success [whatever success means to you] then only YOU can make the necessary difference; no one else can generate success for you. You must ‘Rise Yourself’ before you can ‘Rise Your Success’ and that’s where I can help you make big differences.
Wishing YOU A Solid Success!
Today, Amit collaborates with clients to extract solutions from within them through processes of inner world [introspection] and of outer world [education] to raise their self-awareness and ignite self-leadership. He coaches clients to correct thinking patterns, perception errors and teaches innovative skills to manage their emotions, conversations and actions to engage with flow states of performance in every thing they do.
His passionate understanding of the subject and high experience of over 20 years give him a edge in his training and coaching assignments. Amit is most liked among his clients for his quality of presence, sincerity, dedication & ability to show clients their white as white and black as black, which is vital to foster growth & development. Amit’s unique skills of simplifying complex concepts and his creative style of training delivery enable his clients embed new learning effortlessly.
He ensures understanding clients’ challenges with empathetic listening, analytical relating and a keen sense of observation before beginning to work with them. His interpersonal, logical and intra-personal natural talents coupled with his intuitive powers and experiential insights not only make him a psychologically-informed coach, an engaging presenter and a dynamic speaker but also results in his clients an almost instant Transformation.
Insightful Articles by Amit
Can personal growth make us successful? How?
“Each and every one of us, whether as individuals or organisations, have at one point in our lives realised that we ‘want more’ out of LIFE than what we have before us. But to achieve ‘something more’ in life…
5 Powerful Sutras To Rise Relationship Effectiveness Plus Leadership Influence!
In modern age, Leadership with team members or Relationships with families and friends are no longer a power game; dominance doesn’t work now, in fact backfires…
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