Our Inception
‘Peak Performance Consulting’ based in Mumbai, India was founded on the 14th day of January, 2011 by Amit Kapadia for Business Owners, Corporate Leaders and Career Aspirants to help them achieve what they really deserve and become more successful in career, business and life.
We strongly believe that in the journey of going from where you are to where you want to be – the utmost important factor is ‘YOU’. Since 2011 it’s our endeavour to transform our clients to strengthen their ‘YOU’ factor by developing necessary skill-sets of managing their Emotions, Conversations and Actions.
This means, with us, our clients master the art of self-management, people-management and action-management. As a result, they unleash their true potential, accelerate performance and begin to build solid success.
We deliver truly transformational results through our Customised (1-on-1) Success Coaching, Training, Keynotes and Seminars which are backed up with our powerful ‘Be-We-Do™ Framework’ of peak-performance and self-leadership.
We specialise in strategising our clients’ success through holistic integration of the ‘inside’ [mindset and inner strength] with the ‘outside’ [skill-sets and strategies] and thus lead our clients to accomplish higher level of personal, professional and organisational success.
Till date, several hundred clients have experienced an almost instant transformation in our programs. Many of our clients have committed themselves to journey of continual learning with us and have embarked on the path of being peak-performers, high achievers and efficient leaders. Even YOU can.
‘Our Speciality’
We work beyond rational advices, fluff motivational speeches, aggressive advices, tall claims, shallow talks and optimistic affirmations because we believe they NEVER work; they simply remain what they are. Our work goes beyond and deep, it‘s about transforming YOU inside-out to ‘rise yourself and rise your success’.
Our Customer Value Proposition
Central Theme and Motto of Our Work:
At Peak Performance Consulting, we firmly believe that everyone wants to be more successful and a professional Coach can make a big difference to one’s success journey. With our motto ‘Rise Yourself Before You Can Rise Your Success’, our core work focuses on strengthening your ‘YOU’ factor in the equation of your success.
Transforming our clients inside-out to reach full potential and equip them to accelerate performance and build solid success in career, business and life through our professional Coaching and Training programs.
Our Clients’ Topmost Gain:
An exponential RISE in their Inner-Power, Functionality and Performance in just less than 100 hours.
What do our Clients do with their topmost gain and how they change?
Clients who undergo our Training and Coaching Programs efficiently channelise their inner potentials, overcome real-life performance challenges, get unstuck and begin to accomplish bigger goals faster; much faster than they could do it alone.
Our Working Philosophy and Approach:
We transform YOU inside-out to strengthen your ‘YOU’ factor by developing your inherent capabilities of regulating emotions, refining conversations, re-balancing system dynamics and re-energising your action-taking skills.
Our Process, Methodology and Framework:
We follow ‘6 Steps Transformation Process’ and work with our ‘Holistic Inside-out Integration Methodology’ of strategising success combined with our powerful ‘3 Point Be-We-Do Framework™ ‘ of peak-performance and self-leadership.
Our Clients:
We passionately serve growth-oriented Business Owners, Corporate leaders and Career Aspirants through our professional 1-on-1 Consulting, Success Coaching, Leadership Training, Writing and Speaking solutions.
Our Programs and Solutions:
Individuals – One-on-One Consultation and Coaching Programs like Business Coaching, Executive Coaching and Life Coaching – coached over phone, video-calling and in-person meetings.
Organisations – Customised Trainings, Seminars and Keynotes – at your venue.
‘A Special Invitation’
We understand that professional Coaching and Training is a long term relationship which begins with trust to collaboratively generate extraordinary results. Thus, as an initiative to earn your esteemed trust, we invite you for a complimentary strategic session with our founder Amit Kapadia to explore how we can easily and joyfully rise your success to the desired next level.
Our 3 point Be-We-Do framework aligns 'YOU' with the success equation.
In 2016, we originated a practical and experiential 3 point Be-We-Do framework for igniting self-leadership and achieving peak-performance. This framework integrates the power of 3 universal aspects; Emotions, Conversations and Actions.
3 Point Be-We-Do framework is highly effective in personal, professional and organisational context as it filters our real-life performance challenges and makes one aware of essential skills he or she needs to develop in –
1. Be – Regulating Emotions for Dynamic Self-Management
2. We – Becoming Conversationally Intelligent for Effective People-Management
3. Do – Gathering Inner Strength for Strategic Actions-Management
Collectively, developing and integrating these 3 aspects of Be-We-Do builds in you a strong foundation that is vital to ignite self-leadership and begin to peak your performance in everything you do.
‘Success Equation’
Success is abstract and means differently to everyone; yet
Success is all about being the right person, working with right people and doing the right thing exactly at right time.
Our 6 Step
Process to Success
- Understanding your success challenges and current realities
- Sorting and setting up goals
- Growing beyond yourself by conquering inner obstacles
- Mastering necessary skills and gearing up for goals-focused actions
- Ensuring strategic implementation
- Accomplishing set goals and embracing new realities
Our 6 point working philosophy is about strengthening your 'YOU' factor.
“You can definitely be more successful than you are now; only when YOU develop inner strength and cultivate a right mindset”
“You already have potential to be more successful; only YOU can channelise and reach your full potential”
“Building Solid Success is neither automatic nor happens overnight; only YOU can build it through your skills and well-thought strategies”
“Success is always a direct outcome of your performances; which only YOU can improve upon by being functional and focused“
“Inspite of being capable and competent when you get stuck and slow; only YOU can breakthrough your obstacles and rise to flow”
“Success comes when you deserve it, stays till you can handle it and grows only till YOU keep growing beyond yourself”
Preview of our book launching on 14th Jan. 21.
‘Waste it or Invest it’ aims at transforming people just like you to stop wasting and start investing your inner potentials. It highlights that we all waste our potentials even when we don’t intend to. ‘Waste it or Invest it’ presents you the pathway to channelise your inner potentials in strengthening your role in the equation of your success.
‘Waste it or Invest it’ brings you out of the vicious cycle of under-utilising, under-performing, under-delivering and under-achieving in several aspects of life. It explains why inspite of being capable and competent; you may be stuck and slow and then shows how to break-through your obstacles to rise and flow.
‘Waste It or Invest It’ encapsulates valuable wisdom gathered during the processes of coaching our clients breakthrough their real-life challenges and while training them to build solid success. In this book, you will learn step by step how to conquer your growth blockers and begin to accomplish bigger goals faster in both personal as well as professional spectrums of life.
1st Indian certified as Conversational Intelligence [C-IQ] Consultant by Benchmark Communications.
Associate Certified Coach by ICF
the leaders of Coaching profession
Certified Inner-Child Practitioner by International Institute for Integration Therapy and Training
Our Mission
“Transforming ‘YOU’ inside-out to reach full potential and build solid success in career, business and life.”
Our Vision
“To establish as a trusted foundation that renders one-stop performance, success and leadership solutions through professionally structured Coaching and Training programs for next generation individuals and organisations globally.”
Our Values
- Professionalism ~ to reach excellence
- Integrity ~ to earn trustworthiness
- Concrete Purposefulness ~ to be result centric
- Uniqueness ~ to deliver truly transformational experiences
- Passionate Immersion ~ to ensure client success
Our Work Culture
- We stand for a common purpose.
- We work collaboratively as an army force.
- We value time topmost and use it wisely.
- We decide in less than one minute.
- We start what we decide.
- We do whatever it takes to meet our purpose.
- We learn and grow continually.
- We timely finish with accuracy what we start.
- We commit to accomplish our mission.
Our Client-Commitments
- Commitment to Integrity
- Commitment to Be Fully Involved with You
- Commitment to Being Non-judgemental
- Commitment to Extend Strength and Support
- Commitment to Excellence
- Commitment to Simplify Solutions
- Commitment to Be Result Driven
- Commitment to No-nonsense, No-shallow Talks
- Commitment to Confidentiality